Container Data Structures


enum  hash_type_t {


bool stri_eq (const char *s1, const char *s2)
void hashtable_global_config (void *(*alloc_func)(size_t), void(*free_func)(void *, size_t), void(*assert_fail_func)(const char *))
void hashtable_init (hashtable_t *table, uint num_bits, hash_type_t hashtype, bool str_dup)
void hashtable_init_ex (hashtable_t *table, uint num_bits, hash_type_t hashtype, bool str_dup, bool synch, void(*free_payload_func)(void *), uint(*hash_key_func)(void *), bool(*cmp_key_func)(void *, void *))
void * hashtable_lookup (hashtable_t *table, void *key)
void * hashtable_lookup_keep_locked (hashtable_t *table, void *key)
bool hashtable_add (hashtable_t *table, void *key, void *payload)
void * hashtable_add_replace (hashtable_t *table, void *key, void *payload)
bool hashtable_remove (hashtable_t *table, void *key)
void hashtable_delete (hashtable_t *table)
void hashtable_lock (hashtable_t *table)
void hashtable_unlock (hashtable_t *table)

Enumeration Type Documentation

The type of hash key

HASH_INTPTR  A pointer-sized integer or pointer
HASH_STRING  A case-sensitive string
HASH_STRING_NOCASE  A case-insensitive string
HASH_CUSTOM  A custom key (hash and cmp operations must be provided)

Function Documentation

bool hashtable_add ( hashtable_t *  table,
void *  key,
void *  payload 

Adds a new entry. Returns false if an entry for key already exists.

Never use NULL as a payload as that is used for a lookup failure.

void* hashtable_add_replace ( hashtable_t *  table,
void *  key,
void *  payload 

Adds a new entry, replacing an existing entry if any.

Never use NULL as a payload as that is used for a lookup failure.

void hashtable_delete ( hashtable_t *  table  ) 

Destroys all storage for the table. If free_payload_func was specified calls it for each payload.

void hashtable_global_config ( void *(*)(size_t)  alloc_func,
void(*)(void *, size_t)  free_func,
void(*)(const char *)  assert_fail_func 

The hashtable has parametrized heap and assert routines for flexibility. This routine must be called BEFORE any other hashtable_ routine; else, the defaults will be used.

void hashtable_init ( hashtable_t *  table,
uint  num_bits,
hash_type_t  hashtype,
bool  str_dup 

Initializes a hashtable with the given size, hash type, and whether to duplicate string keys. All operations are synchronized by default.

void hashtable_init_ex ( hashtable_t *  table,
uint  num_bits,
hash_type_t  hashtype,
bool  str_dup,
bool  synch,
void(*)(void *)  free_payload_func,
uint(*)(void *)  hash_key_func,
bool(*)(void *, void *)  cmp_key_func 

Initializes a hashtable with the given size, hash type, whether to duplicate string keys, whether to synchronize each operation, a callback for freeing each payload, a callback for hashing a key, and a callback for comparing two keys. Even when synch is false, the hashtable's lock is initialized and can be used via hashtable_lock and hashtable_unlock, allowing the caller to extend synchronization beyond just the operation in question, to include accessing a looked-up payload, e.g.

void hashtable_lock ( hashtable_t *  table  ) 

Acquires the hashtable lock.

void* hashtable_lookup ( hashtable_t *  table,
void *  key 

Returns the payload for the given key, or NULL if the key is not found

void* hashtable_lookup_keep_locked ( hashtable_t *  table,
void *  key 

Like hashtable_lookup but does not unlock the hashtable lock

bool hashtable_remove ( hashtable_t *  table,
void *  key 

Removes the entry for key. If free_payload_func was specified calls it for the payload being removed. Returns false if no such entry exists.

void hashtable_unlock ( hashtable_t *  table  ) 

Releases the hashtable lock.

bool stri_eq ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

Caseless string compare

  DynamoRIO API version 2.0.0 --- Thu Apr 22 00:18:20 2010