dr_ir_utils.h File Reference

Code transformation utilities. More...


enum  dr_spill_slot_t { ,
  SPILL_SLOT_2 = 1,
  SPILL_SLOT_3 = 2,
  SPILL_SLOT_4 = 3,
  SPILL_SLOT_5 = 4,
  SPILL_SLOT_6 = 5,
  SPILL_SLOT_7 = 6,
  SPILL_SLOT_8 = 7,
  SPILL_SLOT_9 = 8,
  SPILL_SLOT_10 = 9,
  SPILL_SLOT_11 = 10,
  SPILL_SLOT_12 = 11,
  SPILL_SLOT_13 = 12,
  SPILL_SLOT_14 = 13,
  SPILL_SLOT_15 = 14,
  SPILL_SLOT_16 = 15,
  SPILL_SLOT_17 = 16,


bool set_x86_mode (void *drcontext, bool x86)
bool get_x86_mode (void *drcontext)
void dr_save_reg (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, reg_id_t reg, dr_spill_slot_t slot)
void dr_restore_reg (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, reg_id_t reg, dr_spill_slot_t slot)
dr_spill_slot_t dr_max_opnd_accessible_spill_slot (void)
opnd_t dr_reg_spill_slot_opnd (void *drcontext, dr_spill_slot_t slot)
reg_t dr_read_saved_reg (void *drcontext, dr_spill_slot_t slot)
void dr_write_saved_reg (void *drcontext, dr_spill_slot_t slot, reg_t value)
void dr_save_arith_flags (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, dr_spill_slot_t slot)
void dr_restore_arith_flags (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, dr_spill_slot_t slot)
void dr_insert_read_tls_field (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, reg_id_t reg)
void dr_insert_write_tls_field (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, reg_id_t reg)
void instrlist_meta_preinsert (instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, instr_t *instr)
void instrlist_meta_postinsert (instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, instr_t *instr)
void instrlist_meta_append (instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *instr)
void instrlist_meta_fault_preinsert (instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, instr_t *instr)
void instrlist_meta_fault_postinsert (instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, instr_t *instr)
void instrlist_meta_fault_append (instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *instr)
void dr_insert_clean_call (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, void *callee, bool save_fpstate, uint num_args,...)
void dr_insert_call (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, void *callee, uint num_args,...)
uint dr_prepare_for_call (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *instr)
void dr_cleanup_after_call (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where, uint sizeof_param_area)
void dr_swap_to_clean_stack (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where)
void dr_restore_app_stack (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *where)
void dr_insert_call_instrumentation (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *instr, void *callee)
void dr_insert_mbr_instrumentation (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *instr, void *callee, dr_spill_slot_t scratch_slot)
void dr_insert_cbr_instrumentation (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *instr, void *callee)
void dr_insert_ubr_instrumentation (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, instr_t *instr, void *callee)
bool dr_mcontext_xmm_fields_valid (void)
void dr_get_mcontext (void *drcontext, dr_mcontext_t *context, int *app_errno)
void dr_set_mcontext (void *drcontext, dr_mcontext_t *context, const int *app_errno)
void dr_redirect_execution (dr_mcontext_t *mcontext, int app_errno)
app_pc decode_memory_reference_size (void *drcontext, app_pc pc, uint *size_in_bytes)
byte * decode_eflags_usage (void *drcontext, byte *pc, uint *usage)
byte * decode (void *drcontext, byte *pc, instr_t *instr)
byte * decode_from_copy (void *drcontext, byte *copy_pc, byte *orig_pc, instr_t *instr)
instrlist_t * decode_as_bb (void *drcontext, byte *start_pc)
instrlist_t * decode_trace (void *drcontext, void *tag)
byte decode_first_opcode_byte (int opcode)
const char * decode_opcode_name (int opcode)
int decode_sizeof (void *drcontext, byte *pc, int *num_prefixes _IF_X64(uint *rip_rel_pos))
byte * decode_next_pc (void *drcontext, byte *pc)
byte * disassemble (void *drcontext, byte *pc, file_t outfile)
byte * disassemble_with_info (void *drcontext, byte *pc, file_t outfile, bool show_pc, bool show_bytes)
byte * disassemble_from_copy (void *drcontext, byte *copy_pc, byte *orig_pc, file_t outfile, bool show_pc, bool show_bytes)

Detailed Description

Code transformation utilities.

Enumeration Type Documentation

An enum of spill slots to use with dr_save_reg(), dr_restore_reg(), dr_save_arith_flags(), dr_restore_arith_flags() and dr_insert_mbr_instrumentation(). Values stored in spill slots remain valid only until the next non-meta (i.e. application) instruction. Spill slots can be accessed/modifed during clean calls and restore_state_events (see dr_register_restore_state_event()) with dr_read_saved_reg() and dr_write_saved_reg().

Spill slots <= dr_max_opnd_accessible_spill_slot() can be directly accessed from client inserted instructions with dr_reg_spill_slot_opnd().

Some spill slots may be faster to access than others. Currently spill slots 1-3 are significantly faster to access than the others when running without -thread_private. When running with -thread_private all spill slots are expected to have similar performance. This is subject to change in future releases, but clients may assume that smaller numbered spill slots are faster or the same cost to access as larger numbered spill slots.

The number of spill slots may change in future releases.

SPILL_SLOT_2  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_3  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_4  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_5  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_6  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_7  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_8  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_9  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_10  spill slot for register save/restore routines
SPILL_SLOT_11  spill slot for register save/restore routines
x64 only
SPILL_SLOT_12  spill slot for register save/restore routines
x64 only
SPILL_SLOT_13  spill slot for register save/restore routines
x64 only
SPILL_SLOT_14  spill slot for register save/restore routines
x64 only
SPILL_SLOT_15  spill slot for register save/restore routines
x64 only
SPILL_SLOT_16  spill slot for register save/restore routines
x64 only
SPILL_SLOT_17  spill slot for register save/restore routines
x64 only
SPILL_SLOT_MAX  spill slot for register save/restore routines
x64 only

Function Documentation

byte* decode ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  pc,
instr_t instr 

Decodes the instruction at address pc into instr, filling in the instruction's opcode, eflags usage, prefixes, and operands. The instruction's raw bits are set to valid and pointed at pc (xref instr_get_raw_bits()). Assumes that instr is already initialized, but uses the x86/x64 mode for the thread dcontext rather than that set in instr. If caller is re-using same instr_t struct over multiple decodings, caller should call instr_reset() or instr_reuse(). Returns the address of the next byte after the decoded instruction. Returns NULL on decoding an invalid instr and sets opcode to OP_INVALID.

instrlist_t* decode_as_bb ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  start_pc 

Client routine to decode instructions at an arbitrary app address, following all the rules that DynamoRIO follows internally for terminating basic blocks. Note that DynamoRIO does not validate that start_pc is actually the first instruction of a basic block.

Caller is reponsible for freeing the list and its instrs!

byte* decode_eflags_usage ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  pc,
uint *  usage 

Decodes only enough of the instruction at address pc to determine its eflags usage, which is returned in usage as EFLAGS_ constants or'ed together. Returns the address of the next byte after the decoded instruction. Returns NULL on decoding an invalid instruction.

byte decode_first_opcode_byte ( int  opcode  ) 

Given an OP_ constant, returns the first byte of its opcode when encoded as an IA-32 instruction.

byte* decode_from_copy ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  copy_pc,
byte *  orig_pc,
instr_t instr 

Decodes the instruction at address copy_pc into instr as though it were located at address orig_pc. Any pc-relative operands have their values calculated as though the instruction were actually at orig_pc, though that address is never de-referenced. The instruction's raw bits are not valid, but its translation field (see instr_get_translation()) is set to orig_pc. The instruction's opcode, eflags usage, prefixes, and operands are all filled in. Assumes that instr is already initialized, but uses the x86/x64 mode for the thread dcontext rather than that set in instr. If caller is re-using same instr_t struct over multiple decodings, caller should call instr_reset() or instr_reuse(). Returns the address of the next byte after the decoded instruction copy at copy_pc. Returns NULL on decoding an invalid instr and sets opcode to OP_INVALID.

app_pc decode_memory_reference_size ( void *  drcontext,
app_pc  pc,
uint *  size_in_bytes 

Calculates the size, in bytes, of the memory read or write of the instr at pc. If the instruction is a repeating string instruction, considers only one iteration. Returns the pc of the following instruction. If the instruction at pc does not reference memory, or is invalid, returns NULL.

byte* decode_next_pc ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  pc 

Decodes only enough of the instruction at address pc to determine its size. Returns the address of the byte following the instruction. Returns NULL on decoding an invalid instruction.

const char* decode_opcode_name ( int  opcode  ) 

Given an OP_ constant, returns the string name of its opcode.

int decode_sizeof ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  pc,
int *num_prefixes   _IF_X64uint *rip_rel_pos 

Decodes only enough of the instruction at address pc to determine its size. Returns that size. If num_prefixes is non-NULL, returns the number of prefix bytes. If rip_rel_pos is non-NULL, returns the offset into the instruction of a rip-relative addressing displacement (for data only: ignores control-transfer relative addressing), or 0 if none. May return 0 size for certain invalid instructions.

instrlist_t* decode_trace ( void *  drcontext,
void *  tag 

Decodes the trace with tag tag, and returns an instrlist_t of the instructions comprising that fragment. If tag is not a valid tag for an existing trace, the routine returns NULL. Clients can use dr_trace_exists_at() to determine whether the trace exists.

Unlike the instruction list presented by the trace event, the list here does not include any existing client modifications. If client-modified instructions are needed, it is the responsibility of the client to record or recreate that list itself.

This routine does not support decoding thread-private traces created by other than the calling thread.

byte* disassemble ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  pc,
file_t  outfile 

Decodes and then prints the instruction at address pc to file outfile. The default is to use AT&T-style syntax, unless the -syntax_intel runtime option is specified. Returns the address of the subsequent instruction, or NULL if the instruction at pc is invalid.

byte* disassemble_from_copy ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  copy_pc,
byte *  orig_pc,
file_t  outfile,
bool  show_pc,
bool  show_bytes 

Decodes the instruction at address copy_pc as though it were located at address orig_pc, and then prints the instruction to file outfile. Prior to the instruction the address orig_pc is printed if show_pc and the raw bytes are printed if show_bytes. The default is to use AT&T-style syntax, unless the -syntax_intel runtime option is specified. Returns the address of the subsequent instruction after the copy at copy_pc, or NULL if the instruction at copy_pc is invalid.

byte* disassemble_with_info ( void *  drcontext,
byte *  pc,
file_t  outfile,
bool  show_pc,
bool  show_bytes 

Decodes and then prints the instruction at address pc to file outfile. Prior to the instruction the address is printed if show_pc and the raw bytes are printed if show_bytes. The default is to use AT&T-style syntax, unless the -syntax_intel runtime option is specified. Returns the address of the subsequent instruction, or NULL if the instruction at pc is invalid.

void dr_cleanup_after_call ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
uint  sizeof_param_area 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to restore state after a call.

void dr_get_mcontext ( void *  drcontext,
dr_mcontext_t context,
int *  app_errno 

Copies the current application machine context to context. This routine may only be called from:

Does NOT copy the pc field. If app_errno is non-NULL copies the saved application error code (value of GetLastError() on Windows; ignored on Linux) to app_errno.

NUM_XMM_SLOTS in the dr_mcontext_t.xmm array are filled in, but only if dr_mcontext_fields_valid() returns true.

The context is the context saved at the dr_insert_clean_call() or dr_prepare_for_call() points. It does not correct for any registers saved with dr_save_reg(). To access registers saved with dr_save_reg() from a clean call use dr_read_saved_reg().

void dr_insert_call ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
void *  callee,
uint  num_args,

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to set up the passed-in parameters, make a call to callee, and clean up the parameters.

The callee must use the standard C calling convention that matches the underlying 32-bit or 64-bit binary interface convention ("cdecl"). Other calling conventions, such as "fastcall" and "stdcall", are not supported.

This routine uses the existing stack. In 64-bit mode, this routine assumes that the stack pointer is currently 16-byte aligned.

The application state is NOT saved or restored (use dr_prepare_for_call() and dr_cleanup_after_call(), or replace this routine with dr_insert_clean_call()). The parameter set-up may write to registers if the calling convention so dictates. The registers are NOT saved beforehand (to do so, use dr_insert_clean_call()).

It is up to the caller of this routine to preserve caller-saved registers.

DR does not support translating a fault in an argument. For fault transparency, the client must perform the translation (see dr_register_restore_state_event()), or use dr_insert_clean_call().

This routine only supports passing arguments that are integers or pointers of a size equal to the register size: i.e., no floating-point, multimedia, or aggregate data types. The routine also supports immediate integers that are smaller than the register size, and for 64-bit mode registers or memory references that are OPSZ_4.

For 64-bit mode, passing arguments that use calling convention registers (for Windows, RCX, RDX, R8, R9; for Linux, RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8 and R9) are supported but may incur additional stack usage.

For 64-bit mode, if a 32-bit immediate integer is specified as an argument and it has its top bit set, we assume it is intended to be sign-extended to 64-bits; otherwise we zero-extend it.

For 64-bit mode, variable-sized argument operands may not work properly.

Arguments that reference REG_XSP are not supported in 64-bit mode.

void dr_insert_call_instrumentation ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t instr,
void *  callee 

Assumes that instr is a near call. Inserts into ilist prior to instr instruction(s) to call callee passing two arguments:

  1. address of call instruction (caller)
  2. target address of call (callee)

void dr_insert_cbr_instrumentation ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t instr,
void *  callee 

Assumes that instr is a conditional branch Inserts into ilist prior to instr instruction(s) to call callee passing three arguments:

  1. address of branch instruction
  2. target address of branch
  3. 0 if the branch is not taken, 1 if it is taken

void dr_insert_clean_call ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
void *  callee,
bool  save_fpstate,
uint  num_args,

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to save state for a call, switch to this thread's DR stack, set up the passed-in parameters, make a call to callee, clean up the parameters, and then restore the saved state.

The callee must use the standard C calling convention that matches the underlying 32-bit or 64-bit binary interface convention ("cdecl"). Other calling conventions, such as "fastcall" and "stdcall", are not supported.

Stores the application state information on the DR stack, where it can be accessed from callee using dr_get_mcontext() and modified using dr_set_mcontext().

If save_fpstate is true, preserves the fp/mmx/sse state on the DR stack. Note that it is relatively expensive to save this state (on the order of 200 cycles) and that it typically takes 512 bytes to store it (see proc_fpstate_save_size()).

DR does support translating a fault in an argument (e.g., an argument that references application memory); such a fault will be treated as an application exception.

The stack used to save state and call callee is limited to 20KB by default; this can be changed with the -stack_size DR runtime parameter. This stack cannot be used to store state that persists beyond callee's return point.

This routine only supports passing arguments that are integers or pointers of a size equal to the register size: i.e., no floating-point, multimedia, or aggregate data types. The routine also supports immediate integers that are smaller than the register size, and for 64-bit mode registers or memory references that are OPSZ_4.

For 64-bit mode, passing arguments that use calling convention registers (for Windows, RCX, RDX, R8, R9; for Linux, RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8 and R9) are supported but may incur additional stack usage.

For 64-bit mode, if a 32-bit immediate integer is specified as an argument and it has its top bit set, we assume it is intended to be sign-extended to 64-bits; otherwise we zero-extend it.

For 64-bit mode, variable-sized argument operands may not work properly.

Arguments that reference sub-register portions of REG_XSP are not supported (full REG_XSP is supported).

void dr_insert_mbr_instrumentation ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t instr,
void *  callee,
dr_spill_slot_t  scratch_slot 

Assumes that instr is an indirect branch. Inserts into ilist prior to instr instruction(s) to call callee passing two arguments:

  1. address of branch instruction
  2. target address of branch
    Only the address portion of a far indirect branch is considered.

    scratch_slot must be <= dr_max_opnd_accessible_spill_slot(). scratch_slot is used internally to this routine and will be clobbered.

void dr_insert_read_tls_field ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
reg_id_t  reg 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to read into the general-purpose full-size register reg from the user-controlled drcontext field for this thread. Reads from the same field as dr_get_tls_field().

void dr_insert_ubr_instrumentation ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t instr,
void *  callee 

Assumes that instr is a direct, near, unconditional branch. Inserts into ilist prior to instr instruction(s) to call callee passing two arguments:

  1. address of branch instruction
  2. target address of branch

Basic block eliding is controlled by -max_elide_jmp. If that option is set to non-zero, ubrs may never be seen.

void dr_insert_write_tls_field ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
reg_id_t  reg 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to write the general-purpose full-size register reg to the user-controlled drcontext field for this thread. Writes to the same field as dr_set_tls_field().

dr_spill_slot_t dr_max_opnd_accessible_spill_slot ( void   ) 

Returns the largest dr_spill_slot_t that can be accessed with an opnd_t from dr_reg_spill_slot_opnd().

bool dr_mcontext_xmm_fields_valid ( void   ) 

Returns true if the xmm0 through xmm5 for Windows, or xmm0 through xmm15 for Linux, fields in dr_mcontext_t are valid for this process (i.e., whether this process is 64-bit or WOW64, and the processor supports SSE).

uint dr_prepare_for_call ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t instr 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to save state for a call. Stores the application state information on the DR stack. Returns the size of the data stored on the DR stack (in case the caller needs to align the stack pointer).

This routine does NOT save the fp/mmx/sse state: to do that the instrumentation routine should call proc_save_fpstate() to save and then proc_restore_fpstate() to restore (or use dr_insert_clean_call()).
The preparation modifies the REG_XSP and REG_XAX registers (after saving them). Use dr_insert_clean_call() instead if an argument to the subsequent call that references REG_XAX is desired.

The stack used to save the state is limited to 20KB by default; this can be changed with the -stack_size DR runtime parameter. This stack cannot be used to store state that persists beyond a single clean call, code cache execution, or probe callback function execution.

reg_t dr_read_saved_reg ( void *  drcontext,
dr_spill_slot_t  slot 

Can be used from a clean call or a restore_state_event (see dr_register_restore_state_event()) to see the value saved in spill slot slot by dr_save_reg().

void dr_redirect_execution ( dr_mcontext_t mcontext,
int  app_errno 

Immediately resumes application execution from a clean call out of the cache (see dr_insert_clean_call() or dr_prepare_for_call()) or an exception event with the state specified in mcontext (including pc, and including the xmm0 through xmm5 values if dr_mcontext_xmm_fields_valid() returns true) and the application error code (value of GetLastError() on Windows; ignored on Linux) specified by app_errno.

dr_get_mcontext() can be used to get the register state (except pc) and the app_errno value saved in dr_insert_clean_call() or dr_prepare_for_call()

If floating point state was saved by dr_prepare_for_call() or dr_insert_clean_call() it is not restored (other than xmm0 through xmm5, if dr_mcontext_xmm_fields_valid()). The caller should instead manually save and restore the floating point state with proc_save_fpstate() and proc_restore_fpstate() if necessary.

If the caller wishes to set any other state (such as xmm registers that are not part of the mcontext) they may do so by just setting that state in the current thread before making this call.

This routine may only be called from a clean call from the cache. It can not be called from any registered event callback.

This routine doesn't return.

opnd_t dr_reg_spill_slot_opnd ( void *  drcontext,
dr_spill_slot_t  slot 

Returns an opnd_t that directly accesses the spill slot slot. Only slots <= dr_max_opnd_accessible_spill_slot() can be used with this routine.

slot must be <= dr_max_opnd_accessible_spill_slot()

void dr_restore_app_stack ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to restore into esp the value saved by dr_swap_to_dr_stack().

void dr_restore_arith_flags ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
dr_spill_slot_t  slot 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to restore the 6 arithmetic flags, assuming they were saved using dr_save_arith_flags() with slot slot and that xax holds the same value it did after the save.

void dr_restore_reg ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
reg_id_t  reg,
dr_spill_slot_t  slot 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to restore the register reg from the spill slot slot. See dr_save_reg() for notes on lifetime and alternative access to spill slots.

void dr_save_arith_flags ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
dr_spill_slot_t  slot 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to save the 6 arithmetic flags into xax after first saving xax to the spill slot slot. This is equivalent to dr_save_reg() of xax to slot followed by lahf and seto al instructions. See dr_restore_arith_flags().

At completion of the inserted instructions the saved flags are in the xax register. The xax register should not be modified after using this routine unless it is first saved (and later restored prior to using dr_restore_arith_flags()).

void dr_save_reg ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
reg_id_t  reg,
dr_spill_slot_t  slot 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to save the register reg in the spill slot slot. See dr_restore_reg(). Use dr_read_saved_reg() and dr_write_saved_reg() to access spill slots from clean calls and restore_state_events (see dr_register_restore_state_event()).

The stored value remains available only until the next non-meta (i.e. application) instruction. Use dr_insert_write_tls_field() and dr_insert_read_tls_field() for a persistent (but more costly to access) thread-local-storage location. See also dr_raw_tls_calloc().

void dr_set_mcontext ( void *  drcontext,
dr_mcontext_t context,
const int *  app_errno 

Sets the application machine context to context. This routine may only be called from:

Ignores the pc field. If app_errno is non-NULL sets the application error code (value of GetLastError() on Windows; ignored on Linux) to be restored as well.

The xmm0 through xmm5 fields are only set for 64-bit or WOW64 processes where the underlying processor supports SSE. For dr_insert_clean_call() that requested save_fpstate, the xmm0 through xmm5 values set here override that saved state. Use dr_mcontext_xmm_fields_valid() to determine whether the fields are valid.

void dr_swap_to_clean_stack ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where 

Inserts into ilist prior to where meta-instruction(s) to save the current esp and switch to this thread's DR stack.

The DR stack is limited to 20KB by default; this can be changed with the -stack_size DR runtime parameter. This stack cannot be used to store state that persists beyond a single clean call, code cache execution, or probe callback function execution.

void dr_write_saved_reg ( void *  drcontext,
dr_spill_slot_t  slot,
reg_t  value 

Can be used from a clean call to modify the value saved in the spill slot slot by dr_save_reg() such that a later dr_restore_reg() will see the new value.

This routine should only be used during a clean call out of the cache. Use at any other time could corrupt application or DynamoRIO state.

bool get_x86_mode ( void *  drcontext  ) 

The decode and encode routines use a per-thread persistent flag that indicates whether to treat code as 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64). This routine returns the value of that flag.

For 64-bit DR builds only.

void instrlist_meta_append ( instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t instr 

Inserts instr as a non-application instruction onto the end of ilist

void instrlist_meta_fault_append ( instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t instr 

Inserts instr as a non-application instruction that can fault (see instr_set_meta_may_fault()) onto the end of ilist.

void instrlist_meta_fault_postinsert ( instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
instr_t instr 

Inserts instr as a non-application instruction that can fault (see instr_set_meta_may_fault()) into ilist after where.

void instrlist_meta_fault_preinsert ( instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
instr_t instr 

Inserts instr as a non-application instruction that can fault (see instr_set_meta_may_fault()) into ilist prior to where.

void instrlist_meta_postinsert ( instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
instr_t instr 

Inserts instr as a non-application instruction into ilist after where.

void instrlist_meta_preinsert ( instrlist_t *  ilist,
instr_t where,
instr_t instr 

Inserts instr as a non-application instruction into ilist prior to where.

bool set_x86_mode ( void *  drcontext,
bool  x86 

The decode and encode routines use a per-thread persistent flag that indicates whether to treat code as 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64). This routine sets that flag to the indicated value and returns the old value. Be sure to restore the old value prior to any further application execution to avoid problems in mis-interpreting application code.

For 64-bit DR builds only.

  DynamoRIO API version 2.0.0 --- Thu Apr 22 00:18:19 2010