Network security
In this lecture, we will begin our discussion of network security.
There isn't a single great paper that describes the state of the
Internet's security, so instead, please read the following material
in preparation for lecture:
- Read Matthew Tanase's article
IP Spoofing: An Introduction,
published in 2003. The article gives a good overview of the
threat posed by IP spoofing. If you are curious, you can take
a look at RFC 6528
which describes how TCP tries to defend against the sequence
number prediction attack mentioned in Tanase's article.
- Read about distributed
denial-of-service attacks. If you are curious, you can dive
into more details about one specific kind of attack, SYN flooding,
and a defense technique for it, called SYN cookies, in
RFC 4987.
- Read about the Mutually Agreed Norms for
Routing Security (MANRS), an initiative to improve the state of
routing security on the Internet.