On Wednesday Dec 10th, each group should present a 3-minute talk about their final project. The best choice is probably to do a demo of what you worked on. Practice your talk ahead of time to make sure you can cover the most interesting pieces in 3 minutes. Time limits will be strictly enforced! Setting up your laptop, connecting it to the projector, etc, counts as part of your time budget. The schedule is: 11:05am: gchau edwinzg plotnic 11:08am: andersk wangpeng jgross 11:11am: loulamia dmbocek vgunning 11:14am: ccp0101 dxy0420 xiaominw 11:17am: asuhl dannybd snp 11:20am: kanter bcyphers bfaviero jpeebles 11:23am: arjunnar dorayuta 11:26am: fasano kemus fbastani 11:29am: bzy olearym ivanaf 11:32am: agrinman pschiff ystoller 11:35am: alinush prashvas shinde 11:38am: ajlin bangert julia_h 11:41am: aathalye rhristov viettran qui 11:44am: joonwonc kyelok cwchung 11:47am: btidor mannes gauravjs 11:50am: aakriti henchill qmn 11:53am: jchien lut jrsun amruthv 11:56am: gueltro klaverty npaggi vrama 11:59am: jlrubin mnaik nityas 12:02pm: lukea jfrg jinala wangaj 12:05pm: deborahc lsyang ishabir czuo 12:08pm: abergal andreser kaufmand 12:11pm: natnaelg mchlljy ogutu wrv 12:14pm: adat bschang ericadu ptew 12:17pm: bchrobot ynnad19 dereklax