Tor === What's the goal of the paper (or Tor)? Anonymity for clients, which want to connect to servers on the internet. Anonymity for servers, which want to service requests from users. What is anonymity? Adversary cannot tell which users are communicating with which servers. Adversary (most likely) knows users, servers are communicating via Tor. Overall approach: relay traffic through intermediary in the network. Why do we need more than one node? Scalability: handle more traffic than a single node. Compromise: attacker learns info about direct clients of compromised node. With many indep. nodes, this affects only a small fraction of traffic. With onion routing, attacker must compromise all nodes in the chain. Traffic analysis: attacker can correlate incoming / outgoing traffic. Can look at timing between packets, or volume of packets. Chaining makes timing/volume analysis attack more difficult to mount. Can attacker still succeed? Yes, if they observe or compromise enough nodes. For instance, may suffice to observe first and last node. Attacker can also inject timing info (by delaying packets) to analyze. Main idea: onion routing. Mesh of onion routers (ORs) in the network. Assumption: client knows public keys of all ORs. Client picks some path through this network. Naive strawman of onion routing (not quite Tor): Client encrypts message in public key of each OR in path in turn. Send message to first OR in path, which decrypts & relays, and so on. "Exit node" (last OR in path) sends the data out into the real network. Why is this a good design? Each OR knows previous & next hop, not ultimate source or destination. With two ORs, compromising a single OR does not break anonymity. At what level should we relay things? Could do any level -- IP packets, TCP connections, application-level (HTTP) What's the advantage / disadvantage? Lower-level (IP): more general, fewer app changes, works with more apps Higher-level (TCP, HTTP): more efficient, more anonymous What does Tor do? TCP-level relaying, using SOCKS (intercepts libc calls). Examples of efficiency: no need for TCP flow-control, Tor does re-xmit Examples of lost generality: UDP doesn't work, can't traceroute, .. How does DNS work with Tor, if no UDP support? SOCKS can capture the destination's hostname, not just IP address Exit node performs DNS lookup, establishes TCP connection Examples of anonymity that's lost at lower layers? If we did IP, would leak lots of TCP info (seq#, timestamp) If we did TCP, would leak all kinds of HTTP headers and cookies If we did HTTP, can violate anonymity via Javascript, Flash, .. Lots of identifiable features in Javascript environment. Browser version, history sniffing, local network addrs/servers.. Tor design. Mesh of ORs: every OR connected via SSL/TLS to every other OR. End-users run an onion proxy (OP) that implements SOCKS. OR has two public keys: identity key and onion key. Identity key registered with directory, signs OR state. Onion key used by OPs to connect to ORs, build circuits. Client downloads list of ORs from directory. Chooses a chain of ORs to form circuit, contacts each OR in turn. Clients building circuits is expensive. Why do it this way? Any single server might be compromised, can't trust it. Unavoidable to trust the client machine, however. Why do we need an onion key in addition to an identity key? Might be able to protect identity key from long-term compromises. Each OR uses identity key to sign its current onion key. Why does Tor need a directory? Someone needs to approve ORs. Otherwise attacker can create many ORs, monitor traffic. Does having a directory compromise anonymity? No, don't need to query it online. What if a directory is compromised? Clients require majority of directories to agree. What if many directories are compromised? Attacker can inject many ORs, monitor traffic. What if directories are out-of-sync? Attacker may narrow down user's identity based on dir info. User that saw one set of directory messages will use certain ORs. Terminology: circuits and streams. Circuit: a path through a list of ORs that a client builds up. Circuits exist for some period of time (perhaps a few minutes). New circuits opened periodically to foil attacks. Stream is effectively a TCP connection. Many streams run over the same circuit (each with separate stream ID). Streams are an important optimization: no need to rebuild circuit. Why does Tor need circuits? What goes wrong if we have long-lived circuits? Adversary may correlate multiple streams in a single circuit. Tie a single user's connections to different sites, break anonymity. Tor circuits. Circuit is a sequence of ORs, along with shared (symmetric AES) keys. ORs c_1, c_2, .., c_n Keys k_1, k_2, .., k_n Cell format: +---------+---------------+-----------+ | Circuit | Control/Relay | DATA | +---------+---------------+-----------+ 2 bytes 1 byte 509 bytes Think of the "Circuit" and "Control/Relay" fields as link-layer headers. Circuit IDs are per-link (between pairs of ORs). Used to multiplex many circuits on the same TLS connection between ORs. Control messages are "link-local": sent only to an immediate neighbor. Relay messages are "end-to-end": relayed along the circuit. Why is all traffic in fixed-size cells? Makes traffic analysis harder. What are control commands? padding: keepalive or link padding. create/created/destroy: creating and destroying circuits. What are relay commands (what's in the DATA)? If the relay packet is destined to the current node: +----------+--------+-----+-----+-----------+ | StreamID | Digest | Len | CMD | RelayData | +----------+--------+-----+-----+-----------+ 2 bytes 6 bytes 2 1 498 bytes If the relay packet is destined for another node: +-------------------------------------------+ | Encrypted, opaque data | +-------------------------------------------+ 509 bytes CMD field for TCP data is "relay data". Other values like "relay begin", .. used to set up streams. How does the OP send data via circuit? Compose relay packet as above (not encrypted yet). Compute a valid checksum (digest). Digest is based on the target OR that should decrypt packet. Hash is taken over some function of key + all msgs exchanged with that OR. Encrypt with AES(k_n), then AES(k_{n-1}), .., AES(k_1). Send encrypted cell to the first OR (c_1). (Effectively reverse process for OP receiving data via circuit.) What does an OR do with relay packets? If it's coming from OP's direction, decrypt and forward away from OP If it's coming not from OP's direction, encrypt and forward towards OP How does an OR know if a relay packet is destined to it or not? Verify checksum: if matches, most likely meant for the current OR. If checksum does not match, not meant for this OR, keep relaying. Nice properties: Packet size independent of path length. Only the last OR knows the destination. How to establish a new stream? OP sends a "relay begin" via circuit. Contains target hostname, port. Who picks stream ID? OP can choose arbitrary stream ID in its circuit. What is the "leaky pipe" topology? OP can send relay messages to any OR along its circuit (not just the last OR). Can build stream (i.e., TCP connection) via any OR, to foil traffic analysis. Initializing circuits. OP picks the sequence of ORs to use for its circuit. Connect to first OR, issue "create" operation to create circuit. Create includes a DH key-exchange message. Created response includes DH key-exchange reply. How do we authenticate the parties here? For the first hop, SSL/TLS provides authentication. More generally, first DH message was encrypted with OR's onion key. Hash of key in DH response proves correct OR decrypted message. Server does not authenticate client -- anonymity! Key exchange protocol: [ OP, OR agree on prime p, generator g ] OP chooses random x. OP sends E_{PK_OR}(g^x). OR chooses random y. OR computes K=g^xy. OR replies with g^y, H(K || "handshake"). OP computes K=g^xy. Forward secrecy: what? how? Key freshness: why? how? Who chooses the circuit ID? The client end of the TLS connection (not the overall circuit's OP). Each circuit has a different circuit ID for each link it traverses. What's in the DATA for Control packets? Control operations (create, destroy) or responses (e.g. created). Arguments (e.g., DH key-exchange data). For each subsequent OR, OP sends a "relay extend" message via circuit. Include the same DH key-exchange message in the "relay extend" cell. At the end of circuit, "relay extend" transforms into "create". Client ends up with shared (symmetric AES) key for each OR in circuit. Why does Tor have separate control cells vs relay cells? Ensures cells are always fixed size. Last OR in the old circuit needs to know the new OR & circuit IDs. What state does each OR keep for each circuit that passes through it? Circuit ID and neighbor OR for two directions in the circuit (to/from OP). Shared key with OP for this circuit and this OR. SHA-1 state for each circuit. Can we avoid storing all of this state in the network? Not without a variable-length path descriptor in each cell. Exit node would likewise need a path descriptor to know how to send back. Intermediate nodes would need to perform public-key crypto (expensive). Why does Tor need exit policies? Preventing abuse (e.g., anonymously sending spam). Exit policies similar to firewall rules (e.g., cannot connect to port 25). Each exit node checks the exit policy when new connection opened. Why publish exit policy in directory, along with other node info? Not used for enforcement. OP needs to know what exit nodes are likely to work. What if Tor didn't do integrity checking? Need integrity to prevent a tagging attack. Attacker compromises internal node, corrupts data packets. Corrupted packets will eventually get sent out, can watch where they go. How does Tor prevent replays? Each checksum is actually checksum of all previous cells between OP & OR. Checksum for same data sent again would be different. Works well because underlying transport is reliable (SSL/TLS over TCP). Anonymous services. Why the split between introduction and rendezvous point? Avoid placing traffic load on introduction points. Avoid introduction point transferring known-illegal data. Split prevents both problems. Bob (service) has an introduction point (IP). Alice chooses a rendezvous point (RP), tells Bob's IP about RP. Introduction point does not relay data. Rendezvous point doesn't know what data it's relaying Why does Bob connect back to Alice? Admission control, spread load over many rendezvous points. What's the rendezvous cookie? Lets Bob prove to Alice's RP that it's Bob. What's the authorization cookie? Something that might compel Bob to reply, when he otherwise wouldn't. Maybe a secret word most people don't know. Limits DoS attacks on Bob's server (can just send many cookies). Stored in hostname: cookie.pubkey.onion. End state: two circuits bridged at the RP. RP takes relay cells from one circuit and sends them to the other. Bridged data is encrypted using key shared between Alice & Bob (DH). Each can control their own level of anonymity. Neither knows the full path of the other circuit. Potential pitfalls when using Tor? Application-level leaks (Javascript, HTTP headers, DNS, ..) Use an app-level proxy (e.g., Privoxy strips many HTTP headers). Fingerprinting based on Tor client behavior (how often new circuit opened). Timing/volume analysis (partial defense is to run your own Tor OR). Fingerprinting web sites: number of requests & file sizes of popular sites. Quantization from fixed-size cells helps a bit. Malicious ORs: join network, advertise lots of bandwidth, open exit policy. Benefits / risks of running an OR? +: more anonymity -: resource use -: online attacks (DoS, break-ins, ..) -: offline attacks (e.g., machine seized by law enforcement) How hard is it to block Tor? Find list of OR IPs from directory, block all traffic to them. How to defend against such an attack? Reveal different ORs to different clients? Allows for client fingerprinting based on ORs used. Maintain some unlisted ORs? Want to use unlisted ORs only as the first hop, to avoid fingerprinting. Tor has notion of "bridge" node, which is an unlisted OR. How to find these unlisted "bridge" ORs? Want legitimate user to find them, but not let adversary enumerate them. Approach taken by Tor: special bridge directory. Reveal 3 bridges to each IP (via HTTP) or email addr (via email). Reveal new bridges to same client address only after 24 hours. Can rate-limit by IP, find attempts to enumerate bridge database, etc. For email, easier for adversary to create fake identities (email addrs). Tor trusts 3 mail providers to rate-limit signup (gmail, yahoo, mit). Would you use Tor? What applications is it good for? Might be too slow to use for all traffic (high latency). But unfortunately that means only sensitive traffic would go via Tor. Plausible attacks exist, so not great against very powerful adversaries. Maybe a good way to avoid denial-of-service attacks (i.e., offload to Tor). Allegedly, Google used Tor to check if servers special-case Google's IPs. How active is Tor? Much more active use now than what the paper describes. ~2500 public ORs, ~1000 exit nodes, ~500 bridge nodes, ~1GB/s OR bandwidth.